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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Epic Pinball Pack 3 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-21 06:16:27 Views : 26324 Cheat : Because there is a different program for each table then there are 4 hacks for this game,anyway here goes.......as usual change the following offsets: Cyborgirl - Edit the EP9.EXE file Change offset $33C0E to 803E7741 xx 90909090 Pangaea - Edit the EP10.EXE file Change offset $34F08 to 803E7438 xx 90909090 Space Journey - Edit the EP11.EXE file Change offset $30698 to 803E3D37 xx 90909090 Toy Factory - Edit the EP12.EXE file Change offset $31D0C to 803E0037 xx 90909090 In all hacks change the value at xx to be the number of balls you wish to play the game with + 1 (numbers must be in hex) - So if you want 10 balls then xx must be 0B (equals 11 in hex) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Epic Pinball Pack 3 cheat codes.
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